The Plays

  • “#WWAGD: What Would Amy Goodman Do?”

    “#WWAGD: What Would Amy Goodman Do?”

    written by Ash Marinaccio directed by Illana Stein featuring Ash Marinaccio, Kari Morris, Cat Plazas, & Kelly Riley

  • “The Ripple Effect”

    “The Ripple Effect”

    written by Sarah M. Chichester directed by Betty T. Kao featuring Mike Callahan & John Noel

  • “Trolling Curiosities”

    “Trolling Curiosities”

    written by Joannie Fritz-Zosike ​directed by Rebecca Cunningham featuring Kara Addington & Alex Simmons

  • “How to Succeed in Playing While Really, Really, Really Trying”

    “How to Succeed in Playing While Really, Really, Really Trying”

    written by Kevin Marshalldirected by Nicolette Dixonfeaturing Kerrie Bond & Roddy MacInnes Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, July 20, 2013 at The Chain Theater, Long Island City, Queens

  • “Dee Tee Goes to Washington”

    “Dee Tee Goes to Washington”

    written by Ash Marinacciodirected by Aliza Shanefeaturing Shannon Harris, Ash Marinaccio, & Kathleen Wallace, with guest Kevin Marshall as “Ryan” Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, July 20, 2013 at The Chain Theater, Long Island City, Queens

  • “Luna’s Radio Hour”

    “Luna’s Radio Hour”

    written by Lily Padilladirected by Isobel Brucefeaturing Aaron David Kapner & Cat Plazas, with live foley by Lily Padilla and live cue-cards by Isobel Bruce Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, July 20, 2013 at The Chain Theater, Long Island City, Queens

  • “Stepping Out”

    “Stepping Out”

    written by Vanessa Carmonadirected by Sarah M. Chichesterfeaturing David McCullouch & Kari Morris Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, July 20, 2013 at The Chain Theater, Long Island City, Queens

  • “Baby Ivy”

    “Baby Ivy”

    written by Chris Van Stranderdirected by Casey Cleverlyfeaturing Lauren Kelly Benson, Lily Drexler, & Monica Jones Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, July 20, 2013 at The Chain Theater, Long Island City, Queens

  • “Porschia My Darling”

    “Porschia My Darling”

    written by TyRaNT ReXdirected by Sarah M. Chichesterfeaturing Jack McKeane, Mathilde Dratwa, and TyRaNT ReX Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, January 26, 2013 at The Secret Theater, Long Island City, Queens photos by Ash Marinaccio

  • “Weapons”


    written by Howell Mooneydirected by Neil Kowalskyfeaturing Irene Siegel, Donna Brent, & Scott Chibnik Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, January 26, 2013 at The Secret Theater, Long Island City, Queens photos by Ash Marinaccio

  • “It Drones On”

    “It Drones On”

    written by Butch D’Ambrosiodirected by Casey Cleverlyfeaturing Marjorie Conn, Mike Callahan, and Casey Cleverly Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, January 26, 2013 at The Secret Theater, Long Island City, Queens photos by Ash Marinaccio

  • “The Casey Anthony Variety Show”

    “The Casey Anthony Variety Show”

    written by Abigail Taylordirected by Leal Vonafeaturing Sarah Pencheff, Kerrie Bond, Kari Morris, & Leal Vona Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, January 26, 2013 at The Secret Theater, Long Island City, Queens photos by Ash Marinaccio

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