Tag: Kari Morris
“Bear Witness, or Kill Only Tim”
written by Duncan Pflaster directed by Erin Solér featuring Elena Lozonschi & Kari Morris, with live foley by Duncan Pflaster photos by Ash Marinaccio
“Business as Norma”
written by Duncan Pflaster directed by Erin Solér featuring Kari Morris & Michael Propster performed live at FRIGID New York’s UNDER St. Mark’s Theater, September 2, 2024 photos by Duncan Pflaster
written by Erin Solér directed by Zachary Wobensmith featuring Kari Morris & Dennis Mullikin performed live at UNDER St. Mark’s Theater, March 4, 2024 photos by Nikita Matiychyn
“All the Adams in Adamville”
written by Tim Errickson directed by Robert A. K. Gonyo featuring Layla Izabela, Kari Morris, & Thammie Laine Quách
“Jeff, Lina, and The Ring”
written by Victoria Masteller directed by Robert A. K. Gonyo featuring Mike Durell, Kari Morris, & Duncan Pflaster
“The Decision”
written by the ensemble (but mostly by Kari Morris) directed by Ash Marinaccio featuring Mike Callahan, Michael S. Rehse, Kari Morris, & Ash Marinaccio performed live for Radio COTE: The Election, November 13, 2016 at Jimmy’s No. 43 photos by Ash Marinaccio
written by David Haan directed by Mary K. Ryan featuring Katherine McDonald, Kari Morris, & Michael Rehse Performed and recorded live as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, February 7, 2015 at The Secret Theater, Long Island City, Queens photos by Ash Marinaccio
“The Fishcake Murders, or, Feline or Telling the Truth?”
written & directed by Cameron Fife featuring Cameron Fife, Jack McKeane, Kari Morris, & Michael Pichardo
“#WWAGD: What Would Amy Goodman Do?”
written by Ash Marinaccio directed by Illana Stein featuring Ash Marinaccio, Kari Morris, Cat Plazas, & Kelly Riley
“Stepping Out”
written by Vanessa Carmonadirected by Sarah M. Chichesterfeaturing David McCullouch & Kari Morris Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, July 20, 2013 at The Chain Theater, Long Island City, Queens
“The Casey Anthony Variety Show”
written by Abigail Taylordirected by Leal Vonafeaturing Sarah Pencheff, Kerrie Bond, Kari Morris, & Leal Vona Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, January 26, 2013 at The Secret Theater, Long Island City, Queens photos by Ash Marinaccio