Category: Podcast
“Baby Ivy”
written by Chris Van Stranderdirected by Casey Cleverlyfeaturing Lauren Kelly Benson, Lily Drexler, & Monica Jones Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, July 20, 2013 at The Chain Theater, Long Island City, Queens
“Porschia My Darling”
written by TyRaNT ReXdirected by Sarah M. Chichesterfeaturing Jack McKeane, Mathilde Dratwa, and TyRaNT ReX Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, January 26, 2013 at The Secret Theater, Long Island City, Queens photos by Ash Marinaccio
written by Howell Mooneydirected by Neil Kowalskyfeaturing Irene Siegel, Donna Brent, & Scott Chibnik Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, January 26, 2013 at The Secret Theater, Long Island City, Queens photos by Ash Marinaccio
“It Drones On”
written by Butch D’Ambrosiodirected by Casey Cleverlyfeaturing Marjorie Conn, Mike Callahan, and Casey Cleverly Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, January 26, 2013 at The Secret Theater, Long Island City, Queens photos by Ash Marinaccio
“The Casey Anthony Variety Show”
written by Abigail Taylordirected by Leal Vonafeaturing Sarah Pencheff, Kerrie Bond, Kari Morris, & Leal Vona Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, January 26, 2013 at The Secret Theater, Long Island City, Queens photos by Ash Marinaccio
written by Kevin Brewerdirected by Josephine McAdam featuring Kelly Riley, Sergei Burbank, Aaron David Kapner, & Josie McAdam Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, January 26, 2013 at The Secret Theater, Long Island City, Queens
“The Offering”
written by Tara Gadomskidirected by Ilana Steinfeaturing Paul Notice, Turquoise Olezene, and Katie Lawson, with cameos from the director & playwright Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, January 26, 2013 at The Secret Theater, Long Island City, Queens photos by Ash Marinaccio
written & directed by Robert A. K. Gonyofeaturing Kerrie Bond, Mike Callahan, Alex Herrald, & Todd Meredith, with Robert A. K. Gonyo and Nicci Smizer Originally performed and recorded with “Radio COTE” in 2010.
“Unus Populus Fidens”
written by Jacob Dickermandirected by Veronique Oryfeaturing Jessica Greer Morris, Michael S. Rehse, Lynn Spencer, Laurence Waltman, & Ruis Woertendyke Originally performed and recorded with “Radio COTE” in 2010.