Category: Podcast

  • “Baby Ivy”

    “Baby Ivy”

    written by Chris Van Stranderdirected by Casey Cleverlyfeaturing Lauren Kelly Benson, Lily Drexler, & Monica Jones Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, July 20, 2013 at The Chain Theater, Long Island City, Queens

  • “Porschia My Darling”

    “Porschia My Darling”

    written by TyRaNT ReXdirected by Sarah M. Chichesterfeaturing Jack McKeane, Mathilde Dratwa, and TyRaNT ReX Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, January 26, 2013 at The Secret Theater, Long Island City, Queens photos by Ash Marinaccio

  • “Weapons”


    written by Howell Mooneydirected by Neil Kowalskyfeaturing Irene Siegel, Donna Brent, & Scott Chibnik Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, January 26, 2013 at The Secret Theater, Long Island City, Queens photos by Ash Marinaccio

  • “It Drones On”

    “It Drones On”

    written by Butch D’Ambrosiodirected by Casey Cleverlyfeaturing Marjorie Conn, Mike Callahan, and Casey Cleverly Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, January 26, 2013 at The Secret Theater, Long Island City, Queens photos by Ash Marinaccio

  • “The Casey Anthony Variety Show”

    “The Casey Anthony Variety Show”

    written by Abigail Taylordirected by Leal Vonafeaturing Sarah Pencheff, Kerrie Bond, Kari Morris, & Leal Vona Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, January 26, 2013 at The Secret Theater, Long Island City, Queens photos by Ash Marinaccio

  • “Drone”


    written by Kevin Brewerdirected by Josephine McAdam featuring Kelly Riley, Sergei Burbank, Aaron David Kapner, & Josie McAdam Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, January 26, 2013 at The Secret Theater, Long Island City, Queens

  • “The Offering”

    “The Offering”

    written by Tara Gadomskidirected by Ilana Steinfeaturing Paul Notice, Turquoise Olezene, and Katie Lawson, with cameos from the director & playwright Originally performed and recorded as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, January 26, 2013 at The Secret Theater, Long Island City, Queens photos by Ash Marinaccio

  • “Conference”


    written & directed by Robert A. K. Gonyofeaturing Kerrie Bond, Mike Callahan, Alex Herrald, & Todd Meredith, with Robert A. K. Gonyo and Nicci Smizer Originally performed and recorded with “Radio COTE” in 2010.

  • “Unus Populus Fidens”

    “Unus Populus Fidens”

    ​written by Jacob Dickermandirected by Veronique Ory​featuring Jessica Greer Morris, Michael S. Rehse, Lynn Spencer, Laurence Waltman, & Ruis Woertendyke Originally performed and recorded with “Radio COTE” in 2010.