Category: Podcast
“LaGuardia’s Fountain Fiasco”
written by Jason Hewett directed by Jennifer Sandella featuring Kerrie Bond, Jared Pesciotta, & Dara Swisher
“The Keepers Are With the Bees”
written by Jen Browne directed by Emily White featuring Ebony Kennedy, Jason Wang, & Olivia Webb
“Unstable Connections”
written by Ilana Ybgi directed by Robert A. K. Gonyo featuring Alex Benjamin, Turquoise Olezene, & Sarah Schoofs
“The Beehive”
written by Roddy MacInnes directed by John Noel featuring Mike Durell, John Noel, & Jared Pesciotta
“Summer Rising”
written by Edmond Malin directed by Sheree V. Campbell featuring Sheree V. Campbell, Alexandra Cremer, & Wyn Delano
written by Duncan Pflaster directed by Aliza Shane featuring Mila Besson, Jason Hewett, & Erin Solér
“Voting Bloc”
written by Tara Gadomski directed by Casey Cleverly featuring Kerrie Bond & Bradley Levine performed live for Radio COTE: The Election, November 13, 2016 at Jimmy’s No. 43 photos by Ash Marinaccio
“The Decision”
written by the ensemble (but mostly by Kari Morris) directed by Ash Marinaccio featuring Mike Callahan, Michael S. Rehse, Kari Morris, & Ash Marinaccio performed live for Radio COTE: The Election, November 13, 2016 at Jimmy’s No. 43 photos by Ash Marinaccio
“Death Race”
written by TyRaNT ReX directed by Rachel Dart featuring Anna Savant & Jenny Youseff performed live for Radio COTE: The Election, November 13, 2016 at Jimmy’s No. 43 photos by Ash Marinaccio
written by Leal Vona directed by Dina Epshteyn featuring Stephanie T. Cromme & Kelly Riley, with live foley by Dina Epshteyn Performed and recorded live as part of Radio COTE: 24-hour Newsroom, February 7, 2015 at The Secret Theater, Long Island City, Queens photos by Ash Marinaccio
“The Wacky News”
written by Mac Rogers directed by Guy Yedwab featuring Erin Healani Chung & Edward Reyes
“The Trail of Ontario”
written by TyRaNT ReX directed by Aliza Shane featuring Lee Chrisman, Dustin Sussman, & TyRaNT ReX